Catholic Connect

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Potluck and Kickball Game!

22 July, 2013 (18:58) | Events, Fellowship, Random | By: Tom Westrick

This week Wednesday, seeing as we have a 5th week this month, we will be having a Potluck and Kickball Game!  We’ll meet on the bleachers behind Holy Spirit at 7pm(a little earlier than usual so we are done before dark) to eat and then divide into teams to play kickball.  Please RSVP and post what you’ll be bringing on the event wall so we don’t all end up bringing the same thing  If it rains, we will just move inside the Connect room and have a potluck and game night there. So if it looks like rain, bring some of your favorite games. It was a ton of fun when we did this in the spring and it is sure to be this time as well. So hopefully you can join us.