Catholic Connect

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Vision Meeting with officer elections for next year and Adoration/Confession

26 November, 2014 (02:00) | Events, Fellowship, Vision Meeting | By: Tom Westrick


  • Vision Meeting with officer elections for next year and Adoration/Confession
  • 7:00pm-Vision Meeting, 7:30/45pm Adoration/Confession
  • Connect Room in the basement of Holy Spirit-Vision Meeting, Holy Spirit Chapel-Adoration/Confession
We’ll be having Adoration and Confession with Fr. Mark in the Chapel just off the Narthex of Holy Spirit Church. If you haven’t been to it before, Fr. Mark will kick off Adoration and then while he’s hearing confessions in the small room off the back of the chapel, we’ll spend time sitting quietly, reflecting and saying a rosary.

Prior to Adoration and Confession, we’ll meet in the Connect Room in the basement of Holy Spirit for our Monthly Vision Meeting.  This time, instead of just discussing ideas for the group, we will be voting on officers for next year’s Connect leadership team.  So if you feel called to play a larger role than just coming to the weekly meetings and would be interested, please consider nominating yourself or someone you think would be a good fit and come vote.  Remember, Connect doesn’t exist without your ideas and participation. Afterwards we’ll head out for a bite to eat.